Vacation, Sick and PTO

Questions? Contact Shared Services


Time off with pay is available to eligible employees so that you can care for yourself and your family. Eligibility for sick, vacation and/or paid time off (PTO) is based on your appointment type and is subject to policy and bargaining unit requirements.

Types of accrued time

Eligible employees may use vacation or paid time off for personal reasons, including rest, relaxation, or for pay during a religious holiday or unpaid leave.

Vacation or PTO accrual eligibility and rate of accrual are based on employee classification, hours worked and length of service at UC. For more information on vacation or PTO accrual rates, review the applicable policy or contract below:

Campus policy-covered employees

Health policy-covered employees

Campus and Health union-represented employees

When unable to work due to your own or a family member's illness, you may use sick leave or extended sick time (EST). 

Sick leave or EST accrual eligibility are based on employee classification, hours worked and length of service at UC. For more information on sick leave or EST accrual rates, review the applicable policy or contract below:

Campus policy-covered employees

Health policy-covered employees

Campus and Health union-represented employees

About your accruals

UCPath is the system of record for accrual balances. HBS is the timekeeping system we use at UCSF to report time off and/or time worked. HBS balances include leave taken as it is entered in the timecard and will sync with UCPath monthly.

View balances via HBS

  1. Log into HBS via MyAccess or direct link.

  2. From the Employee Tasks tab, select Balances.

  3. Time off box will appear and display balances. You may click links under Category to view balance details.

View balances via UCPath:

  1. Please log into UCPath

  2. From the Dashboard, scroll down to the center of the page and select Employee Actions > View Leave Balances.

  3. Review Absence Balance box will appear and display balances.

  • If you are ill and unable to work, please notify your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Vacation or paid time off (PTO) are subject to departmental approval; submit your request with as much advance notice as possible. Please ask your manager whether you should submit requests for vacation/PTO via email or via HBS.
  • Whether your time off is requested via HBS or by email, make sure to record in HBS your time taken: Requesting or Recording your leave in HBS.
  • If you need extended time off due to your own or a family member's illness, for military service, bereavement, or to bond with a newborn or child placed in your care, please refer to additional leave information.

Employees are encouraged to use vacation or paid time off (PTO) as needed. If unused, accrual may not exceed two times the annual full-time earning rate, regardless whether the employee holds a full or part-time appointment.

If business needs prevent an employee from taking time off before reaching maximum accrual, departments may use this form to request approval of a temporary grace period to allow accrual above the maximum limit.