Anti-Racism Resources


This section offers resources for engaging in anti-racism work, practicing solidarity, and self-care for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). These resources are largely provided by the UCSF Office for Diversity and Outreach, as well as additional resources for health care providers.


Child sits on parent's shoulders at a rally

These resources were provided by the UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach and contributions from Elena Fromer. 

The COVID-19 pandemic uprooted our lives and exposed the heavy impact on minority communities. On top of this we have the compounded trauma from individual and institutional racism in the U.S. This is a time for everyone, regardless of social, racial, and ethnic identity, to become aware of the systemic racism in our institutions and society and do our part to remedy it. Here we provide resources to support your well-being, bolster you when you are targeted and discriminated against, and stand as active allies and partners during this challenging time. 

For health care providers: 

Resources for engaging in anti-racism work and practicing solidarity

  • Seek out a diverse group of friends for your kids. 
  • Seek out a diverse group of friends for you. 
  • Practice real friendship and intimacy by listening when People Of Color talk about their experiences and their perspectives. 
  • If you have a close relationship with a young person of color, make sure he/she knows how much you love them. 

  • Live Another Day: Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for people of color. Their mission is "equal access to life-saving resources." 
  • Detox Local: A comprehensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the American Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.