Frequently Asked Questions

有疑问? 联络 Faculty & Staff Assistance Program


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.


FSAP services are offered to UCSF faculty and staff members (including residents, fellows, postdocs and temporary employees) who reside within California.

Please note, we are unable to extend our services to county and NON-UCSF employees at the ZSFGH, Oakland Hospital, or Fresno employees employed by CCFMG or other affiliated entities. UCSF Health Saint Francis and St. Mary’s employees have EAP services through Lyra. 

For UCSF employees residing outside of California, we offer consultation appointments to assist with referrals in their local area.

All FSAP services are provided at no cost to the recipient, as they are an employee benefit.

Generally, the program provides brief short-term counseling for an average of 4 sessions (although there are some exceptions). 

While FSAP does not provide long-term treatment, the program can provide contact information or resources for behavioral health representatives that can assist you with finding referrals through your insurance. These insurance representatives also can refer you to providers with specific expertise to meet your needs.

All FSAP services are available on a strictly voluntary basis.

Your discussions with an FSAP counselor are confidential and will not become part of your personnel file. 

Confidentiality is a primary cornerstone of most mental health services. It is a legally bounded contract that essentially protects a client’s anonymity. Confidentiality shields a client’s sensitive information from being released or accessed by anyone outside of the agency (FSAP) without the client’s permission. Sensitive information includes the fact that you’ve accessed services, as well as the content of each session. 

There are a few limitations to confidentiality, in which this contract of anonymity may need to be breached. These instances essentially concern safety and are especially pertinent when imminent threat is posed to the safety of the client, other identified victims, patients, or the University. In such cases, we are legally obligated to discuss the case and certain particulars with the appropriate authorities to ensure the welfare of all parties involved.

Upon being seen at FSAP, you will be provided more information about client confidentiality. If you have any questions, please ask your provider. Our providers are more than happy to discuss any questions you may have about confidentiality and its limits at any time during your work together.

Any management level faculty or staff member (e.g., supervisor, MSO, department head, administrator) may request FSAP consultation services regarding any organizational concern having a significant psychological or behavioral element (e.g., psychiatric symptoms, substance abuse, stress, transitions, safety, conflict, communication, grief).

The FSAP team is comprised of licensed psychologists and postdoctoral fellows.

While there is no specific policy regarding this, supervisors are encouraged to treat time off for FSAP appointments as paid time. That is, the employee would be “on the clock.” Also, these appointments are treated as doctor appointments. As FSAP services are confidential, we are unable to confirm an employee’s attendance without the written consent of the employee.

No. FSAP is not an eligible provider for such requests. An outside provider is required to evaluate these requests. FSAP can provide you with contact information and/or links to your insurance behavioral health representatives to help you locate an outside provider.

To make an appointment, please fill out the FSAP online appointment request form: FSAP Online Appointment Form (accessible only within UCSF Network or with VPN).

You may also call the main FSAP line 415-476-8279 to schedule. Please note that due to the high volume of requests, it may take 3-5 days to respond.