Learn what steps to take to return to onsite work following suspected or confirmed acute respiratory viral infections such as COVID-19, Influenza, RSV and Rhinovirus.
Latest updates
The Digital Screener has expanded to provide return to work guidance for ALL acute respiratory infection symptoms, positive tests, and COVID exposures.
Review the guidance below if you have any of the following:
- Acute respiratory infection symptoms
- Sore/ scratchy throat, cough, congestion/runny nose, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, loss of taste/smell, eye redness/discharge, or any change from baseline.
- COVID-19 positive test
- Reporting a COVID positive test is required and can be completed through the Digital Screener (available through the Mobile App or the Digital Screener website).
Acute respiratory infection symptoms or positive test
Take the Digital Screener if you experience symptoms or test positive
Symptoms of acute respiratory infections include sore/scratchy throat, cough, congestion/runny nose, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, loss of taste/smell, eye redness/discharge, or any new symptom that cannot be explained by a pre-existing condition.
Take the Digital ScreenerStep2
Read the automated email
Follow the return-to-work guidance as directed
- Isolate at least 3 full days from the onset of your symptoms. The first eligible day to return to work is on Day 4 or later.
- Meet the following symptom criteria:
- Fever free for more than 24 hours without fever-reducing medications;
- Diarrhea free for more than 48 hours if not related to pre-existing conditions;
- Symptoms are resolved or significantly improved, and you feel well enough to return to work. If working in a *high-risk unit, symptoms must be GONE.
- Wear a facemask for at least 10 days after symptom onset or positive test (if asymptomatic).
COVID-19 exposures
Take the Digital Screener
The Digital Screener is available through Digital Screener website or through the UCSF mobile app.
Read the automated email
Follow the return-to-work guidance as directed
- Symptom monitor daily for 14 days from Day 0 of exposure.
- Wear a facemask for at least 10 days after Day 0 of exposure and physically distance > 6ft from coworkers and patients as much as possible
- Agree to leave work immediately, or stay home, if you develop any symptoms or test positive for any acute respiratory infections (COVID, flu, RSV, etc.), and take the Digital Screener.
COVID-19 positive test
Take the Digital Screener
The Digital Screener is available through Digital Screener website or through the UCSF mobile app.
Read the automated email
Follow the return-to-work guidance as directed
- Isolate at least 3 full days from the onset of your symptoms (or positive test date if asymptomatic). The first eligible day to return to work is on Day 4 or later.
- Meet the following symptom criteria:
- Fever free for more than 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and
- Diarrhea free for more than 48 hours if not related to pre-existing conditions and
- Symptoms are resolved or significantly improved, and you feel well enough to return to work. If working on a high-risk unit, symptoms must be GONE.
- Wear a facemask for at least 10 days after symptom onset or positive test (if asymptomatic).
If you have recently recovered from a COVID infection and are experiencing new symptoms, or if you have learned you were recently exposed, complete the UCSF Digital Screener or contact the Occupational Health Services-Communicable Disease Response Team for further guidance at (415) 514-7328.
About the policy: Self-report a COVID-19 positive test
UCSF has an organization-wide policy requiring all personnel working, learning, visiting or contracted at all UCSF campuses who have tested positive for COVID-19 to self-report their positive test result to the appropriate UCSF department by taking the Digital Screener. This includes but is not limited to UCSF Fresno, Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, Zuckerberg SFGH, SFVA, satellite facilities, etc., and those working remotely. This policy applies whether working on property owned or leased by UCSF or working remotely (hybrid, telecommuting etc.), paid or unpaid.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please follow the appropriate reporting procedures outlined above.
UCSF honors the privacy of our community and confidentiality obligations. Personal medical information will be safeguarded and used only for limited, health-related purposes, including to perform contact tracing or other activities to address employee, faculty, student and patient safety as directed by UCSF Occupational Health Services – Communicable Disease Response Team and Infection Prevention Services. This information will be maintained only in the appropriate health records, separate from employee personnel files or student records. Self-reporting to supervisors or advisors is not required.
Additional assistance
- UCSF employees and non-UCSF individuals providing services to UCSF (including faculty, researchers, students and volunteers, onsite vendors, contractors, visiting personnel, etc.) can call the UCSF Occupational Health Services – Communicable Disease Response Team at (415) 514-7328 or email [email protected].
- Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Employees can call the BCH Oakland Employee Health Services – at (510) 428-3620 opt. 4, or email [email protected]
This self-reporting policy will remain in effect until further notice. Questions about this policy can be addressed to Occupational Health Services – Communicable Disease Response Team at [email protected].
Request for anonymity for AB 685 notification purposes
AB 685 requires the University of California to notify exclusive union representatives of the names of employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 and who worked onsite during the infectious period. Under 8 CCR 14300.29(b)(7). Employees may request that their names not be included in such notifications so long as such a request is voluntary and independent.
- San Francisco and Fresno: Call the UCSF Occupational Health Services-Communicable Disease Response Team at (415) 514-7328.
- Oakland: Call BCH-Oakland Employee Health at (510) 428-3620 and select Option #4.
- Students: Call the UCSF Occupational Health Services-Communicable Disease Response Team at (415) 514-7328.
Additional information
- Refer to the table of illness/infections and related work restrictions for additional guidance.
- For the latest information on face mask requirements, see Masking Guidance and Policies for UCSF Facilities.
- UCSF COVID-19 dashboard