Masking Guidance and Policies for UCSF Facilities

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Learn where face masks are required at UCSF.

UCSF masking guidance

Effective November 1, 2024, through April 30, 2025, face masks will be required for staff involved in direct patient care to coincide with the respiratory viral season and align with guidelines from our local and state public health departments. 

This requirement for facemasks applies to any physical or recognized areas where direct patient care is delivered and where patients are seen, evaluated or treated.  

Facemasks are REQUIRED in the following areas: 

  • Hospital and clinic rooms
  • Designated triage areas
  • Hallway beds
  • Infusion center/hemodialysis chairs

Facemasks are NOT required in the following areas:

  • Registration desk 
  • Waiting rooms/hallways 
  • Breakrooms 
  • Work rooms
  • Elevators 

For more information, review the FAQs for UCSF Health Masking Guidance.