Infection Prevention

Involves the implementation of healthcare-associated infection reduction strategies for patients and staff through assessment and risk identification, researching current literature and practice, study development and presentation / publication, development, implementation, monitoring and reporting prevention strategies, routine and focused surveillance, policy and procedure development, training and education program development and collaboration with staff in departments across the institution.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Infection Prevention Coordinator 1
Job code: 4190
Level code: P1
Infection Prevention Coordinator 2
Job code: 4189
Level code: P2
Infection Prevention Coordinator 3
Job code: 4188
Level code: P3
E PSS 24
InfectionPrevention Coordinator 4
Job code: 6499
Level code: P4
E MSP 25
InfectionPrevention Coordinator 5
Job code: 6498
Level code: P5
E MSP 26
Infection Prevention Supervisor 2
Job code: 6497
Level code: S2
E MSP 25
Infection Prevention Manager 1
Job code: 6496
Level code: M1
E MSP 26
Infection Prevention Manager 2
Job code: 6495
Level code: M2
E MSP 27