Medical Library

Involves oversight of the medical library for a medical center or health system. Facilitates access to evidence-based information for allied health professionals, medical center staff, providers, patients and their families. Participates in developing a culture of evidence based practice through outreach, education, engagement, research consultations, and other library services.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Medical Library HC Professional 3
Job code: 6225
Level code: P3
E PSS 21
Medical Library HC Professional 4
Job code: 6224
Level code: P4
E PSS 22
Medical Library HC Professional 5
Job code: 6581
Level code: P5
E MSP 23
Medical Library HC Supervisor 2
Job code: 4587
Level code: S2
E PSS 22
Medical Library HC Manager 1
Job code: 5763
Level code: M1
E MSP 23