
Involves developing and utilizing computational tools and systems to analyze and interpret biological or other research data. Utilizes and develops algorithms, computational techniques, and statistical methodologies. Helps in the design of new experiments. Implements end-user needs in database searching and integration. Maintains the computational infrastructure and tracks the flow of samples and information for large-scale studies. Provides web-based bioinformatics and access to public and proprietary databases.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Bioinformatics Programmer 1
Job code: 9403
Level code: P1
Bioinformatics Programmer 2
Job code: 9402
Level code: P2
Bioinformatics Programmer 3
Job code: 9401
Level code: P3
E PSS 24
Bioinformatics Programmer 4
Job code: 5933
Level code: P4
E MSP 26
Bioinformatics Programmer 5
Job code: 5993
Level code: P5
E MSP 28
Bioinformatics Supervisor 2
Job code: 5992
Level code: S2
E MSP 26
Bioinformatics Manager 1
Job code: 5991
Level code: M1
E MSP 28