New Offer Management Rollout is Complete
Hiring managers should review new resources and ensure they understand their department’s own internal review and approval process for finalizing offers and making hiring decisions.
Human Resources has completed its rollout of the streamlined offer management processfor openly recruited staff positions to Campus departments.
Hiring managers should review new online offer management process resources for information about process flow, tips, best practices and frequently asked questions.
While hiring managers will collaborate with their talent acquisition partners on the recruitment and offer, they should understand their department’s own internal review and approval process for finalizing offers and making hiring decisions.
The streamlined process:
- Delivers greater efficiencies by reducing handoffs throughout the process.
- Results in shortened time-to-fill by offering a one-stop-shop approach where the Hiring Manager and TA Partner collaborate all the way from recruitment through the offer being accepted by the final candidate.
- Aligns UCSF with industry best practices by leveraging Talent Acquisition expertise.
- Represents the implementation of a unified practice across all of Staff HR as well as all of UCSF.
- Using a unified process across UCSF positions HR to implement continued process improvements, such as the recent pilot for New Hire and Transfer Management Actions.
This new process began after Human Resources conducted multiple Lean Kaizen events to examine different processes within the Talent Management workflow. Kaizen events included collaborative partners from departments, which informed a refined offer management process that HR piloted, beginning in October 2022. This transition included moving a large piece of the recruitment process that relies on collaboration between HR and departments to a new set of HR teammates.
Please contact your Campus or Health TA Partner with any questions.