Lunch and Learn Program Provides Support for UCSF Employees

Lunch and Learn Program Provides Support for UCSF Employees

Staffers organize a Lunch and Learn Program to support caregivers at UCSF

By Robert Hood

Between the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing shortages, and general caregiver burnout, something had to be done to support caregivers at UCSF. Occupational therapist Caroline Diorio and Kimberly Griswold, doctor of physical therapy, took it upon themselves to organize a Lunch and Learn Program.


Diorio describes the program as an educational session and group discussion class geared toward the practice of self-care for caregivers. It was one of nine projects supporting the health and well-being of the UCSF community chosen to receive Community Well-being Grants funded by Wellness and Community, a department within Campus Life Services.


The program reached more than 100 UCSF employees from both the medical and campus sides.


"The program was a big success and very well received by UCSF employees," Diorio said. "Some found the information so helpful that they felt the educational opportunities provided by the Lunch and Learn Program should be mandatory and a part of the UCSF orientation process for new employees to help better equip them for working at UCSF."


Diorio said it was challenging providing classes during the height of the COVID pandemic. "The class was originally designed to be given in person to help facilitate an intimate discussion group about challenging situations," she said. "Conducting classes over Zoom made this environment more difficult to achieve."


To address the situation, Diorio and class organizers sent participants instructions on class expectations. "We, as presenters, also educated ourselves through Learning & Organization Development classes on how to give an effective class over Zoom."


It was also challenging getting feedback forms returned from class participants. “We addressed these concerns by seeking out verbal feedback about the program in the moment."


Despite the hurdles, Diorio said the classes will continue for students who rotate through the Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Department as part of their student orientation and new hire orientation. "We have also offered other departments the opportunity to appear as guest speakers during their staff meetings," she said.

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