New Hires - Managers' Guide

Questions? Contact Shared Services


A seamless and efficient onboarding process is imperative in starting the new hire off on the right foot. These resources are designed to help UCSF managers create a smooth and successful onboarding experience for new employees.



Before the start date

  • Work with IT and your department access administrator to set up systems access. 
    • For staff hires, email and network access are set up through the HR onboarding process, but all other access needs to be requested. For academic hires, the department also will need to set up email and network access, along with other access needs. 
  • Set up access to required buildings/facilities.
  • Purchase and/or set up necessary equipment and a designated workspace.
  • Plan your new hire's first day and provide instructions on where and when to report.
  • Develop your training plan.

Information about what your new hire can expect during the pre-onboarding process can be found on the Before You Start page.


First week

  • Encourage your new hire to review the onboarding communications from the HR generalist and set aside time to participate in onboarding activities.
  • Coordinate team introductions and initial training meetings.
  • Review job description and expectations with your new hire.
  • Review timekeeping expectations.
  • Review the training plan.
  • Assist new hire with ensuring systems and facility access are set up.
  • Encourage new hire to complete all mandatory compliance trainings. 

Visit the New Hires First Week page for information and helpful resources on important first-week activities.


First month

  • Set aside time and encourage your new hire to attend new employee orientation. NEO will be held via Zoom until further notice. For further questions, please contact your Employment Specialist. View upcoming NEO dates.
  • Set aside time for your new hire to attend a benefits orientation and enroll in benefits.
  • Discuss telework expectations and complete a telework agreement.

Additional information and resources are available on the New Hire First Month and the New Hire Benefits resource pages.
