Spiritual Care Services HC

Involves the facilitation and nurturing of personal religious rituals and spiritual practices for patients, their families, staff, faculty, allied health students (as applicable), and other health care team members. Provides spiritual care and emotional support, including exploration of issues that are of meaning and value and / or issues causing moral or spiritual distress to patients, their families, staff, and others. Serves as a bridge to patient's religious community or congregation and to appropriate clergy or religious / spiritual leaders. Offers education and fosters conversation and clarification on cultural, ethical, religious, and other topics / dynamics that can affect patient care, family interactions, and staff performance.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Spiritual Care HC Specialist 2
Job code: 4132
Level code: P2
Spiritual Care HC Specialist 3
Job code: 4130
Level code: P3
E PSS 20
Spiritual Care HC Specialist 4
Job code: 6209
Level code: P4
E PSS 21
Spiritual Care HC Supervisor 2
Job code: 4123
Level code: S2
E PSS 22
Spiritual Care Manager 1
Job code: 5694
Level code: M1
E MSP 24
Spiritual Care Mgr 2
Job code: 5806
Level code: M2
E MSP 25