Skilled Crafts and Trades Mgt

Involves overseeing and / or managing activities relating to skilled crafts and trades, including one or more of the following: heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), boiler operators, electrical, machinist, sheet metal, abatement and insulators, structural (carpentry, painting, roofing, glazer, blinds), plumbing or other skilled crafts and trades.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Skilled Crafts and Trades Supv 1
Job code: 4554
Level code: S1
E PSS 21
Skilled Crafts and Trades Supv 2
Job code: 5044
Level code: S2
E PSS 23
Skilled Crafts and Trades Mgr 1
Job code: 0538
Level code: M1
E MSP 24
Skilled Crafts and Trades Mgr 2
Job code: 5963
Level code: M2
E MSP 25