Counseling and Psychology

These functions describe the work of counseling, diagnosing and treating patients with (including staff and students) a wide range of mental health conditions. In addition to psychological services offered on an inpatient or outpatient basis, it also includes the administration and scoring of physiological and neuropsychological tests.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Behavioral Health Counselor 1
Job code: 4146
Level code: P1
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Professional 1
Job code: 4367
Level code: P1
Behavioral Health Counselor 2
Job code: 4145
Level code: P2
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Professional 2
Job code: 4366
Level code: P2
Behavioral Health Counselor 3
Job code: 4144
Level code: P3
E PSS 21
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Professional 3
Job code: 4365
Level code: P3
E PSS 22
Counseling Psychologist 4
Job code: 0579
Level code: P4
E MSP 24
Behavioral Health Counselor 4
Job code: 4143
Level code: P4
E PSS 23
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Professional 4
Job code: 5726
Level code: P4
E MSP 24
Beh Health Psychiatric Supv 1
Job code: 4147
Level code: S1
E PSS 21
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Supervisor 2
Job code: 5724
Level code: S2
E MSP 25
Behavioral Health Counseling Supv 2
Job code: 6811
Level code: S2
E MSP 24
Psychometry Supervisor 2
Job code: 8384
Level code: S2
E PSS 19
Behavioral Health Counseling Manager 1
Job code: 5719
Level code: M1
E MSP 25
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Manager 1
Job code: 5723
Level code: M1
E MSP 26
Behavioral Health Counseling Manager 2
Job code: 5718
Level code: M2
E MSP 26
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Manager 2
Job code: 5722
Level code: M2
E MSP 27
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Manager 3
Job code: 5721
Level code: M3
E MSP 28
Behavioral Health Psychiatric Manager 4
Job code: 5720
Level code: M4
E MSP 30