Career Services

Involves planning, developing, and implementing programs, activities, counseling, and advising focused on students' career development. Works with students, alumni, and / or potential employers.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Career Services Specialist 2
Job code: 4515
Level code: P2
Career Services Specialist 3
Job code: 4516
Level code: P3
E PSS 20
Career Services Specialist 4
Job code: 4517
Level code: P4
E PSS 22
Career Services Specialist 5
Job code: 0295
Level code: P5
E MSP 24
Career Services Supervisor 1
Job code: 4519
Level code: S1
E PSS 20
Career Services Supervisor 2
Job code: 4520
Level code: S2
E PSS 22
Career Services Manager 1
Job code: 0297
Level code: M1
E MSP 24
Career Services Manager 2
Job code: 0298
Level code: M2
E MSP 25
Career Services Manager 3
Job code: 0299
Level code: M3
E MSP 26