Business Technical Support

Typically found in large central departments serving multiple departments or units, this family involves providing day-to-day advanced consultation, training, instruction and troubleshooting / problem-solving to technical staff and end users for hardware, software, network and related computer systems, handheld and peripheral devices and ensures their operation for individuals and groups of computer users. Analyzes, recommends, installs, configures and evaluates systems and tools for internal and end user use. Develops and conducts tests of hardware and software and reports on configurations and behavior. Develops and provides technical documentation and training. Assesses needs and recommends hardware and software acquisitions and upgrades.

Title Exempt / Non-exempt Personnel Program Grade
Business/Tech Support Supervisor 1
Job code: 7560
Level code: S1
E PSS 21
Business/Tech Support Supervisor 2
Job code: 7561
Level code: S2
E PSS 23
Business/Tech Support Manager 1
Job code: 0671
Level code: M1
E MSP 25
Business/Tech Support Manager 2
Job code: 6054
Level code: M2
E MSP 26
Business/Tech Support Manager 3
Job code: 6053
Level code: M3
E MSP 27