Postdoctoral Scholar Pay and Compensation

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Descripción general

Learn about pay and compensation guidelines as relates to the collective bargaining agreement between the University of California and United Auto Workers (UAW) union for postdoctoral scholars.


As a postdoctoral scholar, you are paid a salary matching at least the minimum of the UC salary scale for your postdoctoral degree experience-based level in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement between the University of California and United Auto Workers (UAW), the union representing postdoctoral scholars appointed within the UC system.

The UC salary scale for postdoctoral scholars is adjusted in accordance with the NIH/NRSA scale. The UC postdoctoral scholar salary/stipend minimum rate for Experience Level 0 is equal to the Experience Level 2 of the NIH/NRSA Scale. Scale adjustments are effective the first day of the payroll period following the announcement from the NIH. 

Changes to the UC salary scale for postdoctoral scholars do not automatically affect an individual postdoctoral scholar's salary (except for Kirschstein Fellows who have been awarded a fellowship during the new budget year). The new minimum will apply to your salary when you are reappointed or on your anniversary date.

Postdoctoral scholars receive an annual increase to the next experience step on one's anniversary or reappointment date (at least every 12 months) using the current salary scale.

If you are paid above your experience step level, upon anniversary or reappointment date (at least 12 months), you will receive an increase to at least the minimum of the next appropriate salary/stipend experience level, or at least a 2% salary increase, whichever is greater.

If your salary is at the maximum of the salary scale level, then any subsequent increase will be at least 2%.

Funding for your postdoctoral scholar salary can come from various sources such as your departmental sponsor’s grants, training fellowships, individual fellowships, your home institution, or a combination of funds.

Employee instructions


Verify salary

Verify that your salary is set to at least the minimum of the UC salary scale for your postdoctoral degree experience-based level. If you find any discrepancies, bring them to the attention of your principal investigator (PI), department manager, and/or HR generalist.


Funding source determination

As funding sources determine your postdoctoral scholar appointment title, ensure that you keep your PI, department manager, and/or postdoc HR generalist aware of any funding changes if you are supported by your home institution or through individual fellowships.

  1.  If you are a postdoctoral scholar funded by your home institution, provide the completed Notice of Funding Responsibility Letter to your PI or department manager. The Notice of Funding Responsibility Letter should be placed on the home institution’s letterhead and include the following:
    • Funding amount
    • Duration
    • Covered benefits, if any, and applicable amounts
    • Supply and travel allowances, if applicable
  2. If you are a postdoctoral scholar who has been awarded a scholarship, fellowship or grant, provide your PI or department manager with the award letter as soon as possible.